热情: Pitzer News and 事件

Week of 2022年5月9日

Pitzer news and events for the week of May 9 including spotlights for senior Dasani Watkins '22, a CASA Pitzer research symposium and community celebration, and a feature on the Shift + Ground Senior Thesis Exhibition.

Week of 2022年5月2日

New and events for the week of May 2 including the announcement of 12 Fulbright student fellowships, the Academic Festival, and events sponsored by Campus Life for destressing at this busy time.

Week of 2022年4月25日

Pitzer news and events for the week of April 25 including news about three students accepted to the Critical Language Scholarship Program, the Senior Thesis Art Exhibition, and the first academic conference by the Justice Education Initiative.

Week of April 18, 2022

Pitzer news and events for the week of April 18 including an announcement of two seniors who have been awarded Napier awards to support social change initiatives, a creative writing alumni panel, and the Storyteller's Film, 诗歌 & 艺术节.
April 18, 2022

Week of 2022年4月11日

Pitzer news and events for the week of April 11 including presidential search updates, the Pepper Distinguished 访问ing Artist and Scholar Lecture, the Racial Justice Initiative Distinguished Lecture with Dr. Deirdre Cooper Owens, and the last week of the current Art Galleries three exhibitions.

Weel of April 4, 2022

News and events for the week of April 4 including the kick off of One Week. 一个比萨. Week of Philanthropy and related events, the Redford Conservancy's Annual John D. Sullivan Lecture series on water in California, the Annual Glass Humanities Lecture with artist Carolina Caycedo, and Admitted Students Day.

Week of March 28, 2022

News for the week of March 28 including the announcement of Black Voter Matter Fund founder LaTosha Brown as the keynote speaker at commencement for the Class of 2022, an Intuitive Eating talk, and a Gaypril Fools' celebration on the Mounds.
March 28, 2022

Week of March 21, 2022

News for the week of March 21 including news about Pitzer College being a top Fulbright producer for 14 consecutive years, Professor Barbara Junisbai speaking on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Pitzer College being a top Fulbright producer for 14 consecutive years, an open mic night at the Grove House, and the Cesar Chavez Day holiday.
March 21, 2022

Week of 2022年3月7日

News and events for the week of 2022年3月7日 including a press release about Keck Science and USGS research on native plants recoving in the "Galapagos of California" and Women's History Month community spotlights featuring Louise Beaudette Thornton '68, Pitzer alumna and trustee, and Urmi Engineer Willoughby, assistant professor of history.

Week of February 28, 2022

Pitzer news and events for the week of February 28 including the naming of trustee Jill Klein P' 15 as interim president and the final Community Spotlight of Pitzer's Black History Month recognition.
February 28, 2022